Thursday, October 06, 2005

Accessories Time

Before I went I way I managed to have a good look through Urban Streets and am really impressed with the patterns in it. I'm even thinking about knitting a jumper! Whilst this may not exactly be exciting to most people, it is very unusual for me. I never, ever wear jumpers. Can't bear anything round my neck you see, not even a crew neck and I just find jumpers a bit constricting. And never in a million years will I ever wear a polo neck. In winter all I wear are O'Neill or Animal fleeces that either that have a zipped neck or are zipped jackets. It's so much easier to undo if you get hot rather than the hassle of taking a jumper off. So for me to want to knit a jumper is quite a new thing for me. I guess I'm just a zipped jacket/cardi kind of gal!

I have to admit looking at the shade cards for Rowan Spray doesn't exactly inspire me, but I know from experience that looking at something and knitting it up are two very different things. My 3 favourite designs are Quirk, Clash and Angel. Jury is still undecided on which one will be first. Or it might even be the cute scarf in Simply Knitting a few issues back which was the only good thing about that issue. It only uses 2 balls of Rowan Spray too. Would you believe I don't have even a single knitted scarf to my name? I know, amazing really. Usually far to busy doing more involved stuff but have plans to make a few scarfs for winter. The 2 balls of Adriafil I got in St. Ives are for the same pattern in Simply Knitting. I'm not a fan of massive scarves and this one that slots into itself is just such a fab design.

Saying that though, I saw someone wearing a huge scarf and it looked great. And when I spotted this fab Rowan Knitting Kit in John Lewis I just couldn't resist. Although my husband stole it off me and bought it for Xmas so I will have to wait. I just love the short 15mm needles. This kit is rather a bargain and a fab idea.

I guess the change in weather has brought on this accessory craze. I've read that wearing leg or ankle warmers keeps your feet warm so I've made the Toast ones in Chunky Print from The Next Big Thing to test the theory out. My feet and hand are always cold from autumn onwards so anything that helps has to be a good thing. And can I please stress that the legwarmers are for INDOOR USE ONLY! No, I wouldn't dream of wearing them out and they will probably fit quite nice under my sweat pants at home so probably will hardly be seen.

I also want to make those funky Flip Top glove/mitten things and have found 2 patterns I like. The Plaid Flip Top Mittens have proper fingers and the other is from Stitch'N Bitch Nation and I think they're without fingers. But both have the fab mitten attachment and I can see me wearing these loads. In fact I expect my long suffering DH will make me wear them at home, or possibly in bed. He can't bear my hands being so cold once the weather changes.

Lastly, I managed to replace my much loved Vans skate shoes and here they are again. They are so beautiful aren't they? And to those who are starting to think I've gone a bit barmy, well, you're probably right but I never wear shoes, only trainers and am so fussy it's untrue. It takes me forever to find a new a pair I like when they finally need replacing and by then I can no longer get the same style. So now you know why ruining them was such a disaster for me.

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