I was pleased as punch I can tell you. We were given the obligatory eye drops and then the fun and games started. Have you ever tried to give a hamster eye drops??? Impossible almost - the furry wriggling beast won't stay still for a nanosecond. The eye drops went everyone except his eyes. We've nearly used the whole tube only because it was so difficult to get any drops in. Why oh why couldn't they have given us liquid ones - you'd have more chance with those. Anyway we've persevered but another trip to the vets might be in order.

Last weekend we visited House of Fraser who still had a sale on and also had an extra 20% off sale prices. So I got a few balls to add to my stash for bag making, accessories etc and of course couldn't resist more Rowan Calmer which I plan to turn into bed/lounge socks. Eventually.

I finally finished my Socks That Rock sock and am so pleased with it. Unfortunately its sibling will arrive a bit later than planned as I broke another Brittany and haven't received replacements yet. Thats the only downside to the STR, that I have to drop down a size and use 2.25mm DPNs which aren't the strongest needles for sure and only Brittany seems to make them as I have to use either bamboo or birch. DH suggested it would be a wise move to order another packet judging by the rate I'm going through them. He is very wise sometimes ;)

So I did order some and of course had to order a few extras from Web of Wool. Their service was super fast and my packet arrived next day! Oh I like that..... I'd ordered a copy of Yarn Forward as I'd heard good things about it and can definitely agree it is totally different to the other UK mags. A refreshing change for sure and already a pattern I love in it and actually want to make! It's almost a miracle and even DH loves it too. Sorted.
But back to the STR - boy have I loved knitting with it and am totally overjoyed at how soft and comfy the sock feels, especially as its such a tightly spun sturdy kind of yarn! I imagine these will wear very well. I'm still deliberating on whether to join the sock club when it comes out or not. I've kind of had my xmas pressie limit already so we'll see. Decisions, decisions. It doesn't help either that Colinette are bringing out a new sock yarn Jitterbug. Oh can you imagine the colours! Apparently they were at the Kniting & Stitching Show but amazingly I actually managed to miss their sock yarn - oh you have no idea how much I want to kick myself for that!!!

I still feel like I'm chasing my tail trying to get the ton of paperwork I have piled up still but I have progressed a little with my knitting, thankfully! I've finished both sides of a bag, the pompons and twisted cord. Pattern is from 25 Books to Knit and I'm using Chunky Print for the main part and Colinette Zanzibar for the pompoms, top and strap. The pattern says to knit only one strap but I'm not sure it will be strong enough so I'm going to knit another.
I had yet another reaction to tomatoes last Sunday and getting fed up with the whole business. I'll have nothing left to eat at this rate! It's not long to go till my hospital appointment so hopefully it will help.
I'm waiting on my copy of Vogue Knitting again. Its late arriving in the UK, yet again, and as its my favourite magazine quite frustrating. Though I have to admit to being impressed with the 2nd issue of Knit Today which has two patterns I actually want to make. This is almost unheard of in the UK knitting mags - mostly I get them for the articles as I find most of the patterns awful. So this is a good thing and am happy at least one UK knititng mag I subscribe to has stuff I like. But oh, what am I saying, now we have Yarn Forward too. My my, I'm just spoilt for choice ;)

I'll leave you with the cutest mini sock imaginable. It really is too cute for words and I love it. However, it is sadly not for me so we'll say goodbye to it. Though I will definitely have to make one for me to keep. I was surprised it wasn't as fiddly as I'd expected and I had real fun making it and it counts as an FO too! Looking at it just makes me smile and it just so tempting to keep ;)