Happy New Year! Can't quite believe it's the end of January already. But I always find Jan & Feb fly by and to be honest, I'm rather glad. Cold, wet gloomy weather really doesn't do it for me funnily enough! Roll on spring please...........

To prove I've been knitting here are my last 2 FO's of 2007 which brings a grand total of 26 . Substantially down from previous years but never mind. I've given up knitting anything that requires reading a pattern so that really leaves just plain socks. But combined with
STR yarn they are the perfect project for me right now. The gorgeous
STR colours keep my interest and I don't have to (mis)read a pattern and so don't make any mistakes. Good news all round ;)
The scarf is gorgeous and is the
Purl Scarf from
Last Minute Knitted Gifts. A fab stashbusting pattern too and would also make a lovely gift :)

The final FO are my
Cherry Tree Hill Louet Gems socks which really seemed to take forever. I kinda went off the yarn a little when knitting the second sock, something that doesn't happen with STR!

Check out the gorgeous
Blue Moon sock blockers sent from the lovely
Madge. Aren't they just beautiful? And they arrived in the most perfect packing too! How cool is that!
We had animal shennanigans again just before Christmas when
Roo and
Chilli had an 'encounter' resulting in more being bitten off from
Chilli's paw. Yes, it was the same paw
Roo bit off again! So another vet visit and 21 days of antibiotics ensued. He seems to be ok now though not sure either of them have learnt their lesson.
Thunder has been super cuddly and generally pretty good apart from his new trick of jumping onto my laptop - when I'm using it! He's not a small rabbit and has taken a couple of keys out. Luckily I put them back ok. To make it worse,
Chilli and
Roo have decided this is a also a wonderful game and do the same. Luckily they don't weight much but really, come on guys!

The last
STR kit of 2007 took4 weeks to arrive (cheers UK post!) as they got caught up in the xmas post. Though I have to say I love the kit and have loved being part of it. Pre illness I'd already decided I would rejoin but after becoming ill and leaving work started to wonder if I would rejoin. Money issues and the fact that I can't read patterns anymore (correct that, I can read them, just can't follow them correctly anymore) made me think it might be better to leave it. But I couldn't bring myself to let
Blue Moon know and ummed and aahed about it for 5 days till me & DH had a discussion and agreed part would be Valentines pressie and the rest from birthday money. So I rejoined and once I'd done it felt so pleased and actually rather relieved. So I'm in the 2008 club and the first kit should be arriving any day soon ;)

Here is my current WIP that is keeping me happy. Gorgeous
STR socks in
Jailhouse Rock. I can't get over the colours in the yarn and how different it all looks knitting up compared to in the skein. You can never see all the amazing colours till you start knitting with it. I've made good progress too and am now on the 2nd sock.

I ordered the extra
Harmony sets as soon as they were in stock at
Get Knitted and how have the complete set. I love em. But I am on a cutting down splurge. I've cancelled 2 of my knitting subs already and may do another 2. I'm also planning on selling some more yarn on Ebay that I know I'm unlikely to use. After hearing about various yarn diets I've decided to record all the yarn and yarn related stuff I buy this year. I don't
think I got that much last year but reckon if I added it all up I'd be quite surprised. I'm not on a yarn diet, oh no, but more of a 'only get it if you really need it' type of thing.

So obviously buying a pack of 10 balls of my much-loved
Rowan Calmer for £24 is perfectly fine. It's the only yarn I've bought this year and was reduced from £65 to £30 and then an extra 10% off. I try and steer clear off sale yarn these days unless its a couple of balls or so. But this is
Calmer, and there is always an exception with this gorgeous yarn ;)
Healthwise there have been quite a few things going on. Asthma is under control though I'm still on a high steroid dosage. Virus and tiredness has improved so that I'm not spending half my life (or more) in bed. My homeopath recommended a light box and that has helped my excessive sleeping. She was pleased with my progress and I had some more medication sent to me. My lovely GP has now left the surgery and I saw another one in a very long session. We went through everything but she wasn't happy with my current antidepressant dosage which had been reduced a month ago as I'd lost a lot of weight due to them making me nauseus. Which was quite a surprise as I thought I was actually doing ok. But thinking about it she is right, I have been getting more and more upset for longer. So I'm back on the higher dosage and hoping no more weight loss occurs. Or nausea as I'll then have to change meds and I'd really really rather not go through all the side effects again.
It's kind of funny that after Christmas most people are thinking about dieting but I actually have to put on a stone in weight, which isn't actually all that easy. It would be nice not to be called skeletor by DH really but I can understand, bones that stick out are really not that attractive (or comfortable either).
It's the new knitting season very shortly and I'm hoping my
Rowan mag arrives quickly and gets my creative juices flowing. Even if it doesn't, you can't have enough socks can you lol?

Here is the gorgeous
Evolution bought at the Knitting & Stitch Show from Jo for part of my xmas pressie. Lush isn't it? And the other 2 yarns I got for xmas are from
The Natural Dye Studio and some more
Tait & Style.

I'll leave you with a cute
iPhone Cozy I made to keep my lovely new
iPhone snug and warm. Yay - my first FO of the year. The
iPhone was my BIG christmas present from DH and I absolutely love it ;)
Oh wow - it is so good to see you posting again!!! I am loving the knitting - all the colours are gorgeous, just gorgeous and plain knitting is much under-rated - it does after all let the yarn shine through. Big hugs to the pets - especially Thunder, our rabbits are thoroughly worried by the snowflakes of the past couple of days and want to know if Thunder has experienced the same terrifying phenomenon.
Glad to see you posting again! :) So much good news, I don't know where to begin, but I'm especially glad to hear your health is okay and hope it continues to be so! (and fingers crossed you gain your weight back)
hehe Those are mighty fine sock blockers you have there. And gorgeous yarn acquisitions as usual.
Sorry to hear about Chili's paw. Those bad boys like to mix it up, don't they? Kinda like our Fiend.
P.S. I owe you an email! Smoochies for now...I'll write soon.
I love all your knits, the purl scarf looks so cosy! Nice phone, I thought that mine was snazzy! I am glad your Dr is looking out for you as they should. I hope you gain the weight OK. Lots of nice, healthy food! Take care!
Fab socks. Glad you are feeling a bit better. Lovin' the Ipod cosy. Regarding the weight issue, I've lost one pound so I hope you've found it! I got my Rowan mag today, hope you got yours.
Carry on doing whatever inspires you, I say. It's so good to see you posting.
Good to hear from you! Ugh, sounds like you're still having a rough time. :( Being sick is NOT a good way to lose weight - been there, done that. Fun that you have more club yarn to look forward to!
What lovely things you have made, the scarf looks super, just what you want in these chilly winds we are having. The Cherry Tree socks are really pretty and the Jailhouse Rock Sock is looking terrific, I love the different colours, Naughty Roo for bullying his brother Chilli like that again. Gosh they are worst than kids. Thunder's looking as cute as ever though! Well done with your bargain of Rowan Calmer. Good luck with the weight gain, but do try not to get too stressed over it, as it was stress that's caused you to be poorly in the first place, just concentrate on feeling better and your weight should return to normal once your appetite comes back, one thought to help spur it on though, just think of all the lovely things you've made, you can't have them going to baggy to wear now can you ;) Take Care Roxy "Hugs" xx
Gorgeous yarns. Stunning. writing down everything you spend on yarn - I don't think I'll be doing that. Too scary. LOL
Happy Easter Roxy, I've nominated you with an award!!
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