Work has been better. A new system has been implemented for one of my bugbears and is working well. So it does look like they are now keen to bring other systems and procedures up to date. Good. I love new systems ;)
Unfortunately my own system for doing some sewing up each weekend has failed miserably. My poor Malabrigo is still waiting for some loving attention. But I've finished work now till the New Year so I have great plans this week.....

I have been knitting though and the back and left front of my Fletcher coat in Noro Iro are now done. After taking the photo though I ended up having to frog all the moss stitch at the top. It was only after I started the garter stitch rows that I realised the left front did not match the right! And darned, it would have to be the back that needed redoing....I'd misread the amendments and started the garter stitch rows on the wrong side. Oh well. All re-done now and looking good.
The 2nd STR sock is almost done and should be finished this week. So it will be new STR socks for Xmas then. Cool!

I've had a card making blitz as you can see. I always put off card making till the last minute but once I get going enjoy it. Knitting calls to me you see and card making is an awfully messy and time consuming business! I'm just so fussy - what can I say ;)
Online bingo has grabbed my attention a little too. I used to love playing bingo on holiday when I was young in the seaside resorts. I've never joined a bingo club but saw an offer I liked the look of and its surprisingly fun. Well it was for a day or so till I got bored of not winning. But I've had a few goes since and won a few pounds. Keeps me out of trouble anyway......
I have bought some bits and bobs recently but nothing out of the ordinary. A few Lana Grossa mags from Germany and a ball of Regia Stretch that asked to come home with me. Obviously I couldn't refuse. But I worry a little about my sock stash. They take so long and I've gotten so particular with the brands that my old regulars are still sitting patiently waiting in the sock yarn stash box. My favourite regular sock yarn is Milenweit but I gotta admit I just love handpainted yarns. They're just too pretty to resist you see...

Yup, so of course I couldn't resist the offer of more STR from DH for Xmas. Aren't they gorgeous? I haven't opened it yet though as am not allowed. Though it didn't go quite as planned as DH said to order an extra skein and order 3. Which seemed fine at the time until the parcel took longer to arrive and I realised it was probably held up in customs! I was right, unfortunately and had to pay £8.11 for VAT & PO charges. Won't be doing that again. Will stick to 2 skeins in future ;(

DH had also promised a skein of Colinette's Jitterbug too and Popsicle was the shade I chose. Even Thunder was interested and got in the way but I managed to take another without the furry beast.

Thunder says its important to keep warm in the cold winter and snuggling on the sofa in mums dressing gown (whilst she's wearing it of course!) is a great way to keep warm ;)

Custard says hello to everyone and asks for more organic sunflower seeds please ;) And not to worry about his eye. At his age his tear ducts don't work so good so mum has to help him open his eyes most days. Can you believe he's 33 months old now!
Wishing you all a Happy Christmas and New Year!